Our Self-Quarantine Survival Guide

Hello Ladies!

It is currently day 10 of self-quarantining for us over here at Chooka  wow! Over the course of the last week and a half, we've realized a few things....

1. Whatever your feelings are about this situation, they are valid. It’s normal to be scared, nervous, or anxious during this time. It’s also okay to feel hopeful in the midst of it all — we’re in this together and will get through it together!
2. Helping others is more important than ever right now.
3. Taking breaks from the news and social media are essential!
4. We had NO idea what we were saying all those mornings when we were wishing we didn’t have to go to work or school because we wanted to stay in bed forever. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be! Lesson learned!! 
As we are all feeling out how to deal with this new situation, it’s our goal to help in any way we can, which is why we’ve created: 



Seeking self-care and sanity in this age of Social Distancing 


If you haven’t been “window shopping” online out of boredom, well....you have a lot more self-restraint than the rest of us. Stores, offices, and eateries are going on hiatus left and right, and whether you’re purchasing or just browsing, virtual retail therapy can feel safe and familiar. For those of you clicking that “add to cart” button, remember to consider the shops that could really benefit from your purchases — local/small businesses may not have the money or resources to survive this pandemic, and we want to make sure to help them as much as we can!

Here are some of our fellow boutique shops we just can’t get enough of:


They’re local to Seattle, just like us, and are offering stellar discounts online! Score 20% off of their entire shop with code: SUPPORTSMALL



Though her physical store is closed, Moorea Seal’s online shop is very much open! Another fellow Seattleite, this #bossbabe stocks her store with plenty of size-inclusive clothing and is currently offering some amazing care package deals to “inspire happiness and well-being” during this turbulent time.



Beauty, quality, sustainability — what more could you want? All shopping done through Velouria supports businesses throughout Canada and the USA. Squash your boredom with one of their quirky cross-stitch kits!



Not too keen on wearing real pants while stuck at home? The ladies, men, and non-binary friends over at TomboyX have plenty of cozy, body-positive pieces ready to make sure you’re living your best #loungelife!



Cheers to our neighbors down in Portland! Support multiple artists and makers (and score some swag for your new home-office) through this online marketplace.


After all that online shopping, you might be wanting some fresh air. Just because we’re being told to stay inside as much as possible, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the outdoors a little bit each day (within proper radius of others, of course)! At Chooka, we’re always weather-ready and couldn’t be more excited for Spring’s arrival, especially now — here are a couple of options for outdoor activities so you can get some Vitamin D and boost those endorphins!


1. If you like to hike, research small, nearby trails and get some exercise!

Most people are either staying home or working from home right now, so if you’re able to go on a weekday, even better. Feel free to wave at passers-by but be sure to seek out the least populated areas and maintain that safe 6ft distance!


2. Take your fur-baby for a walk around your neighborhood!

As much as they love having you home, they’ll love seeing you pick up that leash even more. Don’t have a pup? Now is a great time to check out the fostering needs of your local shelter! With many of their kennel facilities closed, there is a heightened need for at-home volunteers to make sure animals receive the love, shelter, and exercise they need.


Just because it’s for work, doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Here are a few things you can do to spice up your work from home space:


1. Use supplies that make you smile!

Sure, you can use a yellow legal pad to write down your to-do's, but why not use that snazzy new planner you got for Christmas? Round that out with a pack of stickers and some nostalgic gel pens your days will surely be brighter! Honestly, notes look best when they’re on cute stationary anyway.


Now that your home is your office, you’re free to use candles all. day. long. Light up your favorite scent for some relaxation or to bring back a favorite memory. If you’re sensitive to strong smells, surround yourself with a few scent-less options for some glowy ambiance.


3. Decorate your area with pictures!

Photos are a great to keep our memories and loved ones close and inspire us to keep seeing the beauty in everything and every place. Compile a collection of your favorite images and find entertainment in creating a fun collage, printed or digital. Whether you’re taking a break from your screen or minimizing a window, it’s guaranteed to bring a smile to your face!


Because laughter is the best medicine...and Twitter never lets us down.

From all of us at Chooka to you: stay healthy and stay hopeful — this is only temporary and we're all in it together!

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