Returns & Exchanges:
If you're not happy with your purchase, Washington Shoe offers free return shipping. You can easily process a return or exchange request for an unworn product within 60 days from the date of purchase by accessing our returns center linked above or by clicking here.
Return instructions and prepaid mailing labels will be emailed once the request has been submitted. Please print your prepaid return/exchange label at home and attach it to your package before dropping it off at any USPS location. Packages should not be handed to a USPS Mailman or dropped in a USPS Blue Box due to their size. Please note that Washington Shoe is not responsible for any lost packages.
Once your package is in transit, you will be refunded or your exchange will be shipped out. Refunds can take up to 7-10 business days to reflect in your original payment used. If it takes longer than that, coordinate with your bank or your payment institution.
Important: If you do not use the Return Center for an exchange or return, we are not able to track your order and refunds will be delayed or remain unprocessed. If you return through your own shipping carrier, shipping fees are non-returnable and cannot be reimbursed.
Warranty for Defective Product:
Chooka provides warranty against defects in craftsmanship for 1-year from the purchase date. If something happens to the product purchased from Chooka beyond normal wear and tear, please contact us with photos and original receipt and we will be more than happy to replace your product at no cost to you with proof of purchase. Replacements can not be shipped outside of the United States.
Note: Shoes not purchased directly from must be returned or exchanged through the retailer product was purchased from (ex.Target,Costco, etc.). The retailer you purchased our products through accepts responsibilities of any warranty for quality, and will process any returns or exchanges per their company policy.